Controlling your money, so it doesn’t control you

So the series is over and now the hardwork begins: implementaion. What have you heard during this series that you are comitting to make a part of your financial life? What are you thinking about? What’s in the future for you? What has been most helpful? What would you like to hear more about?

2 Responses to Controlling your money, so it doesn’t control you

  1. Lynda says:

    I think that one of the most important things I’ve decided to do is to save to purchase things that I need/want instead of being such an impulse buyer.

    I’m really glad you did this series, Pastor. It has been a timely message and it is so important to know God’s take on the every day necessities of our lives. Learning what the Bible says about things like debt, generosity, tithing, investing and saving have helped me be more committed to living a better financial life.

    It’s going to take some doing to get out of debt, but I know this…if I don’t have it right now, then I’m already living without it and probably don’t need it anyway! 🙂

  2. Patrick Stark says:

    thanks for posting and I’m super excited that you believe God has been speaking to you! Thanks also for posting the debt snowball link. I’m prayerful that God is moving in our entire Genesis community!

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