Tell me your stories!

February 11, 2009

I have had a number of people who are already tithing, OR who are starting to tithe sending me stories of God’s blessing. Here’s on to encourage you:

I have been listening to you with different ears through-out this “bail out” series. I have been seeing some pretty devastating things lately with people loosing their homes and jobs; it is truly a questionable time.

Pat, I know what it is like to tithe, and I truly believe it is the right thing to do. With not having a commission check since last April; it has been very difficult for me as a self supporter lately (as you well know). With that, God blessed me with a very long and tedious “short sale, (oxymoron). Unfortunately with these types of sales commissions are cut and they can take more than 4 months to even get an answer or approval. Well, it did happen and I received a commission check of $6000, worked out, that would make my past income (for 10 months) $600 per month! Yippee!

So, I decided to go ahead and tithe the 10% which works out to be just that; $600. Pat, I have to tell you it was a difficult decision knowing what I could do with that money at this time.

The words I have heard so many times were playing over and over again in my head: “Let go and Let God.” So with that, I did and do. So here is the deal; about 2 months ago I executed a 2 month lease for a ball player during Spring Training, what I thought I would make was about $200.00. The other agent called and said once they have possession, she would send me the check…..the check will be in the amount of $600.00!

So, I let go. I give to God and God gives right back to me! Pretty awesome our God is!!!!!!!! I am working on not being such a control freak, relaxing and trusting that I will be taken care of.

Just a share.
Toni P

Have you got a story for me? Please let us know how God is working in your life and finances!

Controlling your money, so it doesn’t control you

February 8, 2009

So the series is over and now the hardwork begins: implementaion. What have you heard during this series that you are comitting to make a part of your financial life? What are you thinking about? What’s in the future for you? What has been most helpful? What would you like to hear more about?


February 2, 2009

So we talked about the issue of contentment and giving. Content people are givers and discontent people are takers. We’re the most prosperous nation in history and the most miserable and discontent. 1 billion people in the world don’t have clean water, $7 billion a year for 10 years could provide clean water and basic sanitation for the entire world. We spend $20 billion a year on ice cream. The proposed government plan to “bail us out” of our mess is $700 billion. What’s wrong with this picture?

Jesus said, “You’re far happier giving than getting (Acts 20:35, the Message).” Are you content with what God’s given you or discontent? Have you ever experienced greater joy in giving than in getting? How could you begin to cultivate a heart of contentment with what God’s provided by actively practicing the art of giving to others in need? Have you considered the 3 month tithing challenge?