Try the Tithe

So on Sunday, I challenged our people to tithe, especially if they have never given it a go. I added a little twist to show our committment to the promises of scripture. Malachi 3:10 calls us to test God and see if He want dump great big globs of blessing on us. So I’m hereby calling us to try it. If you have not tithed at Genesis previosly, simply fill out the form on Sunday, begin tithing off your gross income, with a check. If you do not believe that God has blessed your life in 3 months, we will give you your money back. Yes, we are nutty bunch. God is good. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you ever tested God in this way? Do you believe He will bless you? What would keep you from trying the tithe?

3 Responses to Try the Tithe

  1. Lynda says:

    I want to tithe. I really do. But it is very hard to think about tithing when you don’t even have an income to tithe from.

    I’ve just been laid off for the third time in three months. Right now it’s all I can do to keep our heads above water financially, juggling bills/payments, making phone calls to creditors, etc.

    It’s hard and it’s scary living like this. We are blessed that my husband still has a good job, but our current financial state requires two incomes. I keep looking, applying, praying…

  2. Patrick Stark says:

    Lynda, yes, you have stated the facts well. Tithing on zero is still zero. I’m so sorry about the layoff and I will pray for you guys to trust God in your finances, honor Him, and expect God to meet your needs. Stay strong!

  3. pinching pennies 2 says:

    OK – so 10%, right? I know that we give at least 10% but not only in our finances. We volunteer a great deal within the church and our community along with giving a respectful amount of our income. How can I make it to the actual 10% of my income? We’re going to keep praying on this and paying off the debt – we’re getting there!

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